The Gallery of Defaced Album Covers

30 Mar


BlogMonkeesIMG_20141120_163508BlogKnackBlogDefacedMarie11717142_900662416647415_1361770315_n20150707_145850-1BlogDefacedHermansphotoIMG_20150906_130334BlogBobbyI’ve wanted to post this for a very long time. Drew Miller, the man who makes computer dreams come true, today found this set of photos taken about ten years ago. I had been setting aside the defaced albums that I had found while collecting records, intending to document them someday somehow. Along comes blog culture and retirement, and viola! I am so glad that Drew is organized enough to find these when inspired to do so. THANK YOU (AGAIN), DREW MILLER! I have literally hundreds more to present, so we are back at someday, at least we now have the somehow. Thanx to Don Bailey for hilarious submissions, too.Note: sometimes the defacing job itself is subtle, but it can be verrrry effective this way.Hats off to Ron Rooks, ex-owner of The Music Exchange record store in Kansas City. Ron was certainly larger than life; he dreamed of publishing a coffee table book of his defaced album cover collection. He had some doozies himself. Thanx Ron for the idea.Another blog like this: Defaced ValueYet another on Dangerous Minds20170930_132428_HDRunnamedBlogDefacedDonny

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